18 March - workers on the Army Land….?

Some interesting developments today .... There is a Defence sub-contractor on the Army Land undertaking routine maintenance of the drainage or sewerage.

armyland.org has been in touch with Defence about the damage caused by the Friday 12 March Flash Flood - see their response below

"Thank you for bringing this to Defence’s attention.  I’ve been advised that a representative from Defence Plaza Sydney will be inspecting the fence at some stage in the next few days.   If it is the fence that separates the boundary between Defence land and private neighbours, Defence will address any rectifications, as necessary.  Any other fence issues that are not private owner related is a matter for Council.

Separately, Defence’s maintenance contractor will be undertaking a routine upkeep/clearing of the site. This maintenance undertaking is general and not related to the subdivision works.  At this stage, I’ve not been advised on a timeframe for this activity, but it will likely be addressed as soon as possible.

Please be advised, there may be some preliminary scoping inspections undertaken by Defence’s contractors on the site in relation to sewerage – this is a separate activity to the periodic clearing/cleaning Defence undertakes of the gross pollutant trap and continuous direction system.

I trust this answers your queries. 


Estate Divestment Program

Property Management Branch

Estate and Infrastructure Group

Department of Defence

E: property.disposals@defence.gov.au


Defending Australia and its National Interests


18 March.jpeg

18 March 2021


15 March 2021